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Church of England Ratifies Blessings of Same-Sex Unions: where to for GAFCON and GSFA?

Church of England Ratifies Blessings of Same-Sex Unions: where to for GAFCON and GSFA?

By David W. Virtue, DD
October 10, 2023

It was inevitable of course. Despite all the erudite theological pleadings by orthodox Anglican theologians not to do it, the Church of England's House of Bishops has agreed in principle that prayers asking for God's blessing for same-sex couples -- known as Prayers of Love and Faith -- should be commended for use.

It is the thin end of the wedge. The church's pansexualists will not rest till full blown homosexual marriage is accepted and blessed by the church. We know this is true because the CofE is following the trajectory of The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada. The push has only just begun. Jayne Ozanne, the CofE's leading lay lesbian aided by Karen Carpenter and others has only just begun, the fight is on, and, based on the weak wobbly Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, it all seems inevitable. It is only a matter of time.

Now that the House of Bishops here has formally endorsed the blessing of sinful relationships, there can be no more doubt anywhere in the world that the Church of England has excluded itself from any claim to apostolicity, which requires fidelity to orthodoxy.

The only two questions that remain are; what will Church of England evangelicals and Anglo-Catholics do now about this new development? Will they fall for the Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, who co-chaired the steering group which has brought the proposals forward, calling for "reconciliation" or will they make book to leave?

It was Mullally who called to recognize publicly the commitment of same-sex couples and to pray God's blessing for them. So-called "inclusive evangelicals" will want to stay, but other evangelicals may decide to do otherwise. Time will tell.

Already one parish, Wellfield Church, Leyland, Lancashire, was recently inaugurated into the Anglican Convocation in Europe and instituted Mark Simpson as Rector by GAFCON Bishop Andy Lines. Other churches will be sure to follow.

It should be noted here that ACNA was formed in North America because orthodox priests and bishops were kicked out of The Episcopal Church. To date no one has been Kicked out of the CofE; the call to reconcile is currently the cry. How long that lasts no one can say.

With all the levers of power in the CofE being held by the Church, it will be hard for any parish to retain title to its property if they should leave, though VOL was told that several parishes could do so, the most prominent being St. Helen's Bishopsgate, London which holds title to its buildings.

The bigger question is what will the GSFA and GAFCON primates do now that the CofE has embarked on the slippery slope of full homosexual inclusion, a behavior proscribed by Scripture for over 3,000 years.

There is no doubt that the mission-minded GAFCON primates led by the Anglican Church of Nigeria would split from Canterbury along with Rwanda, Uganda, the Congo and possibly South Sudan. But what of the Global South Fellowship of Anglicans (GSFA) primates many of whom have a foot in both GAFCON and GSFA camps?

Can the GSFA, a structurally concerned group of Primates, call the shots and keep the GAFCON primates in line?

The GSFA primates and bishops believe they can outlast the Church of England. They believe that the CofE will be out of business in 25 to 30 years and they can simply take over at that time. (It will be sooner for the Episcopal Church and certainly for the Anglican Church of Canada. Other provinces like the Church in Wales and Scotland are already near life support status.)

But is that feasible in today's fast moving Anglican world? Just as the Middle East is exploding, so is the Anglican Communion. Can the forces pulling the communion apart when money is being used by Western Anglican provinces like TEC is being used to persuade and coerce Global South primates to go along to get along, continue?

The question which must be asked is WHEN will Gafcon and GSFA finally wean themselves off their attachment to Lambeth and to Western money?

Time will tell? But time is running out. Nothing remains static in the world for long. Nothing.

Welby is not a passive bystander but the instigator of all this. With the bishops' public endorsement of the LLF prayers, and there not walking away, they have become as culpable as Welby.

The communion has been invaded by a spiritual parasitic amoeba; either it is excised and expelled or it will kill the host.

Important decisions must be made and made soon. The present situation, in light of the Church of England's recent decision to bless same-sex unions, is a game changer and is untenable for the long term.


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